First allow me to apologize for being away for so long. There is a great deal of activity taking place in my life. However, every once in a while we need to stop and take a reflective look back on life and what it truly means to us and the ones that we certainly should love the most and that is our children.
I came across a very compelling video on YouTube that I will be sharing a short piece into this post. After having watched it, along with many others like it I thought that I would nearly fall out of my chair in the amount of anguish that I was allowing my body to take on for the innocent souls who have been affected by such abuse. It breaks my heart to know that their are parents out their who either have been guilty of inflicting abuse or permitting it to happen. All I can say is that I certainly pray and hope that God has mercy upon their souls. What will it take to get this nonsense to stop? When will enough be enough and will people start to stand up and protect the last of the innocence in our country that lies in our children.
With so much at stake with our country experiencing the most dramatic shift away from Jesus Christ in many years that I can remember I urge you to STOP and get on your hands and knees in prayer and beg for the Lord for you not standing up and making a voice for the victims of both child abuse as well as abortion. How many millions of innocent babies will be continue to stand back and watch be brutally murdered in the wombs of their mothers?
While I realize that this graphic is extremely intense and may be sensitive for younger eyes, I certainly hope that the mere image of this drives the impact more than home.
Why is it that we can allow ourselves to watch the vast amounts of filth that is portrayed on our television sets yet we seem not to even give this image second thought? Is it that we have lost compassion for what should be the most protected of all life forms, the unborn? Or is it that we no longer care? Whatever the justification is, I can only encourage each of us to stand together and put a stop to these hideous acts of violence before the Lord turns his love and grace away from our country. Never has there been a more critical time in our nation to put a halt to this than now!
Folks, we are on the very threshold of the second coming of Jesus. I realize there are those who are skeptical out there and will proclaim they have been hearing this since they were born. However, I am here to offer you this warning and hope that you pay close attention. Pay attention to the events that are unfolding in the Middle East and make comparison to what it has to say in Revelations. Believe me when I say that the end is drawing to a close faster than you may recognize or want to admit.
I do not choose to write about these things to scare people by any means but rather in an attempt to open the eyes to those who have been blinded by the media to think that things are okay. We are living in perilous times and we must as a nation stand and be accountable for the things we have permitted to transpire. We are accountable and we as a people and as a nation will answer for why this and so many other horrific things are permitted and with little if any concern what so ever.
The hour glass is starting to run out and this time there is going to be no turning it back over. Where do you stand with your personal walk with Jesus. Are you where you want to be? Is your life lined up closely with the word of Jesus?
Take a vow now to put a stop the the above mentioned items and more importantly take a vow now to put your life back on track with a living Saviour who is looking to fill you with his love and mercy. America.....We need to be on our knees in prayer for forgiveness earnestly and with consistency. Can you imagine what will happen if we do not put America back on track of where she needs to be in the eyes of the Lord? I can only think of him closing us of to receive his abounding love and grace. I do not want for anyone to miss the final ship when it is time for Jesus to call his children home.
Never in all of my life has there been a greater pull for the reformation of the people and their spirits than right now. If you are leader in your church you need to pull together all the resources you have available and start to minister to the hearts of the people who are hurting and who are looking for answers. It is not just enough for churches to minister to their own but to take to the street and start claiming America for Jesus again.
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