Thursday, January 12, 2012

Election 2012

"We can certainly make a change in the direction our country is headed in.  Question is will we do it?"
We all know that there is more than tension leading into this years Presidential race.  However, we encourage you to seek out independent reviews of each candidate that is slated to be on the ticket for possible nomination by their perspective parties.

As you should obviously be able to tell the one primary contender, Ron Paul, is not give anywhere close to the amount of media time as the other candidates.  Is there a reason for this?  Absolutely!  Many of the media giants know that Ron Paul has the ability to pull away and win this race in a fashion not seen for several years.

At no other time has there been so much riding on a Presidential race as those that are upon this one.  Make clear and decisive choices but make choices that best represent your personal beliefs and not those that are subliminally placed into your head by outside sources who may not be presenting all the facts.

You deserve the truth.  We will provide you with timely information on each of the candidates as we are able to collect it.

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