Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Visit With My Brother

I was able to speak to my brother on the phone today for the first time in quite some time.  It was so refreshing even though the reason we ended up on the phone was attributed to my recent hospital visit.  After I ended our conversation due to my phone needing to recharge it was then that it hit me that this was such a substantial part that was missing in my life.

Although I have known all my life about what is biologically my half-brother for one reason or another it was almost like we were cut off from one another.  Sadly, as in the case of many family members, we became even more distant due to living in different states and both of us having families and children and of course our own issues and problems that were having to be dealt with!  What used to be quite a close knit family years ago as we were growing up over time and distance seems that people begin to loose contact with those they love and care for the most.

Like a piece of the puzzle we are now trying to bring it all back into perspective and I feel that with effort on both ends we will begin to rebuild a relationship that will blossom into one that nobody will be able to come between any more.  I am fortunate that my brother has found his salvation in Jesus Christ and realizes what I already know but need to come to terms with and that is that God is the one in control not us.  As I sit and truly take a deep look into my life I now am beginning to realize how much I have missed in my life by trying to control my own destiny as opposed to letting the one who is in control of it all take charge and lead me in the paths that he would have me travel.


Some people value money or other monetary things in life than what they should really hold value in and that value is found in your family, friends and most importantly Jesus Christ.  So many of us want to take credit for our success of what we have achieved in our life when in fact we shouldn't be able to take credit for anything and give credit where the credit is do.  We are nothing more than mere vessels in life who have been given the privilege of breathing due to a love of a heavenly father that gives us that right!

What a better way to show your love back to him than to take some of your previous gold and give it to where it belongs to begin with.  Phillip, I was so pleased to hear your plans with your lump sum when you receive it to give back to the church.  Talk about total selflessness....this would be the perfect illustration of what Jesus would have each of us do.  I can remember for years trying to guide my younger brother when he was experiencing some difficult issues in his life to say the least and now I am finding myself needing to lean upon him for his direction and spiritual growth.  I guess we can go back and forth encouraging one another and uplifting one another in The Lord and being a blessing to one another and to each others family.

So much has transpired in the past week since I fell ill and I am not sure if there is a spiritual connection to all of this being allowed to happen for a divine reason or not....all I can do is to sit back and see what takes place next!

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