Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is It Too Much?

Many of you may have already seen this image as it was presented in "GQ" and highlighted on ET.  This is one of the members of the hit show "Glee Club" exposing more than probably many of you wanted to see from what has been targeted as a kids show.

Although clothed as far as to cover up the very basic physical anatomy per say.....is this an image that you would be comfortable allowing your say 10 year old son or daughter seeing on prime time television and would you be prepared to answer the question "Why is she sitting like that and dressed like that?".  Of course there have been many who have been raising a stink over the girl and the image being portrayed as unsuitable for a minor to be doing, however, the actress herself is not a minor and only plays the part of one.

In the era we live in today it seems that sex sells has become more than prevalent and seems to be socially acceptable or at least so the norm goes.

Here is an important question to ask yourself.  With the above pose is this something you would be comfortable seeing your daughter wearing.  Unfortunately what we are seeing here is what has been portrayed as a seductive schoolgirl as such and this is where a large issue arises.  We have enough issues to deal with in regards to protecting the youth of today's times and certainly this can not be seen as helpful by any means.  With more cases of rape and incest being on a rise from times of even keeping records of such events there is truly no wonder why when it seems that sex of one kind or another is always being crammed down our throats in one fashion or another.  People say you have to turn off the TV but that is not the only place it is seen.

Sadly enough this image is floating around the Internet world and with  such sites as YouTube being one of the leading sources for our kids to see more online in today's world than many of us did back during the day with even risque magazines it is no wonder why we are facing some of the social degradation issues that we are having in our society.

Just being curious to see how quickly this would become a viral event on the Internet I checked several highly predicated sites and found that this particular article has already reached over one million viewers around the world.  Can you see the dilemma we face when it comes to keeping our children safe from material that we may find less than appropriate.

With this having been said....here is even a more probing question to ponder and take a look at.  Should there be a tighter reign on the Internet and the material placed on it?  Should there possibly be a paid subscription of sorts required to even be able to access such information whether it be videos, images or other provocative type information?  This is where we get into some serious issues and ones that are taking heat from all sides.

While I am sure that members of the ACLU and other organizations are chomping at the bit if someone would even suggest this...

We must take a broader look into what some of the issues are that we are experiencing in today's times and with the Internet becoming more popular than what video games, music and other things have been in the past.  Take that in combination with the up rise of social networking sites such as FaceBook, MySpace and many more like them people can find a plethora of images and videos that are less than suitable for adults much less than those of the  younger generation who seems to have greater access to such material than even the most Internet savoy adults.  It brings several questions into mind and some which need to be looked at hard.  Take even, yet, another issue that is growing out or proportion and that is cyber bullying we really should take bigger strides in controlling what is and what is not seen on the Internet!

What are your thoughts and concerns on this?  Share with us and our readers and lets see what some suggestions may be to resolve this type of event from happening again!

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