Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A National Tragedy

If any of you have even remotely paid any amount of attention to the television lately you should have heard of several cases of bullying in our public school system.  Sadly enough it has resulted in several unjustifiable deaths and we must bring a greater awareness to everyone throughout America as well as those who are in charge of educating our children to the very real and arising problem with this.

Growing up I can certainly relate to what it was like to be bullied.  Of course back in the day it was not any where close to as cruel as what it seems kids have become today.  Obviously, with society taking on a whole new approach to the acceptability of homosexuality, alternative lifestyles and other deviations from the norm we must teach our children what is acceptable behavior and what is not.  I would not do any justice to myself nor any of my readers of this site but I must admit that I do not agree with the entire homosexual agenda, however, on the same note I do not advocate torturing an innocent child over it.  This is part of what separates our country from others in the ability to live an individual lifestyle free from prejudices and ridicule.

After hearing about several cases of this where the student was violently attacked and killed at the hand of his attackers made me stop and take a closer look.  In my personal dealings with this growing up and seeing the lack of involvement from school officials I can certainly tell you that a lot of this could be prevented, however, no matter what you may hear school representatives proclaim on media outlets you can almost bet that their is little if any involvement from them in preventing this type of harassment from occurring.

I would like to take an even deeper approach to this despicable act and ask a deep hard hitting question.  Have you ever thought that quite possibly that school officials choose not to deal with the bullying merely because deep down inside they may not agree with the social agendas going on and this is their way of trying to rid them out from public schools?  You may say that is ludicrous but I can assure you while I was in school they done this sort of thing with pregnant teens.  Rather than having them populated in the school they would be encouraged to attend a special school where they were better suited and equipped to meet their specific and emotional needs.

I think what has to be achieved is to have parents become more aware of what is going on in their children's lives.  You know as well as I do that it oftentimes is the parents who live in the closet.  If only more would take time to be observant of their child's behavior and to have more interaction in their life I, personally, feel that a lot of this could be curbed from the home front.

As individuals we, obviously, must be comfortable with the skin that we live within.  Whether you are black, white, olive, green.....

Whether you are homosexual or straight and ugly as a board.  Being comfortable with who you are is a vital part to this process.  When people learn how to be real it is then that they can address the social issues that they will obviously experience.  We all know that some of them may not be pleasant, however, I think that nearly every one of us at one point or another has experienced.  Sure, it may not have been to the severity as what we have seen and heard on the news but none the less it was just as painful and traumatic for us as what many of these teens have had to unfortunately endure.

So what is the answer to this growing epidemic?  Obviously education is the leading gateway to starting to put a curve on the amount of bullying that goes on within our school systems.  However, more educating needs to happen in our homes and parents becoming more involved in their children's lives to determine what is going on and to be able to intervene if the necessity arises.  What are some of your thoughts on this?  Share with us and let us know what you think can be done to overcome this new and growing epidemic that is happening more and more in our country.

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