Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Children, Your Personal Mirror

Have you ever wondered or questioned why your children do some of the things they do or act in a certain fashion that may be less then admirable?  I would certainly hope that for most this would be a serious question and one that you have taken the time to study and resolve with some simple corrections in your life.

You may be saying right now "well that is self-righteous of yourself to say" but in essence it is not and we will certainly be looking into this topic with a very clear and crisp magnifying glass and bring some of even the most basic issues to light.

I have to say that I have come across some individuals children that make me want to snatch them right up and instill a little much needed discipline up to and including a bar of soap for the mouth and a sturdy belt for the butts.  However, taking the time to evaluate many of the situations I have been in and taking time to fully evaluate the circumstances and environments that many of these children are raised in brings an issue to the table that requires even more discussion.  How many times have you heard a parent say "I do not know where my child get those qualities from".  Chances are pretty strong that they acquired them from you as children predominantly mirror their parents in actions or choice of actions.

Look we have all at one point or another come across a child who has a potty mouth!  It more than makes you want to insert a bar of soap into their mouth it, also, makes you want to grab one for the parents mouth as well.

Children will almost inevitably repeat only what they have heard  you vomit from your mouth.  So when your children say something you would rather not have your preacher or parents hear then how about starting where the source usually lies and that is with yourself!  With the language being the way it is on school playgrounds is there any true reason that it should be the same in the home environment of which they are expected to live and grow up in.

It absolutely infuriates me when I hear children using language that I normally would have heard on the battle field while serving in the Army and what frustrates me even more is when a parent is astonished by this sort of thing but you listen to them talk and the language is on the same level or even worse than I have to ask myself "have you listened to yourself and looked in the mirror while you talk?".

Here is a topic I get a thrill listening to parents tackle with their children.  They will spout something off like "my child is a slob" and all I can do is prop myself up to keep from falling over from laughing and looking at them and replying with "seriously".  Chances are if your children are sloppy in keeping their room tidy or unable to keep up with their school papers and other items it most generally is because it is something they see their parents living in from day to day.

Look I realize that some of us don't like to have our shoe laces pulled to tight as it makes us uncomfortable, however, if that is what it takes to get you to take up to the fact that nearly everything our children manifest are in direction relationship with our daily living habits.  It just that simple....if you are slopping then changes are pretty strong that your children will be sloppy right along with you!  So do not be taken back when you open their bedroom door only to see what greatly resembles what could be classified a biological health hazard and you have nobody to blame but yourself.  Children mirror everything they see their parents do and often times what they don't see their parents doing.

This is one area that greatly flakes my nerves more than any of the above aforementioned.  Obesity in children seems to be on the rise around the United States and several of these children end up dying from it or being stricken with illnesses that usually only exists or normally exist in adults.  I realize the world we live in today has cultivated itself around convenience but in reality what is convenient is probably going to contribute to the untimely death of your precious child.  In a world that says it's ok to put a bag of chips in their hands and place them in front of a game system, computer or the television then do not look so shocked when your child's doctor looks at you and explains that your child has become afflicted with juvenile diabetes or other adult illnesses.

Look I suffer from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and at age 44 I find it gut wrenching to know that I can outrun many children who are a quarter of my age.  I would certainly think that this would be a trigger point for a parent to see the underlying health issues and to want to take this issue in control and do something about it.  Then again when you look at some of these parents it is obvious from looking at their physical appearance that they certainly are a byproduct of their own creation.  It saddens my heart to know that many of these children will not live into their adult years and if they do the normally have more physical ailments than I have even at my age.

Let's start to make the future for our children's lives better and better for ourselves.  Their is hope and if you so require it their is even professional help available to help you to overcome these barriers and start to have mirrors reflecting an image you would be proud of.

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